Countering the financing of terrorism: law and policy. John M. Geiringer. (ABA, c2022) KF 9430 .C68 2022
Foundations of homeland security: law and policy, 2nd ed. Martin J. Alperen. (John Wiley, c2017) Online access via Wiley
Fundamentals of counterterrorism law. Lynne Zusman. (ABA, c2014) KZ 7220 .F86 2014
Guide to U.S. government practice on global sharing of personal information, 2d ed. John W. Kropf. (ABA, c2014) KF 9223 .K76 2014
Homeland security and emergency management: a legal guide for state and local governments, 2nd ed. (ABA, Section of State and Local Government Law, 2010) KF 4850 .L44 2010
The law of counterterrorism. (Section on Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, ABA, c2011) KF 9430 .L39 2011
National security and the legal process. Philip D. O'Neill, Jr. (Oceana, c2008) KF 4850 .O54 2008
National security investigations & prosecutions, 2nd ed. (West, c2012) KF 4850 .K75 2012 & Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
National security law, 5th ed. Stephen Dycus et al. (Aspen Publishers, c2011) KF 4651 .N377 2011 (Reserve)
The Real ID Act: privacy and government surveillance. William Eyre. (LFB Scholarly Pub., 2011) KF 4791 .E97 2011
The U.S. intelligence community law sourcebook: a compendium of national security related laws and policy documents. (ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security, 2010- ) KF 4850 .A29 U85