Antieau on local government law, 2nd ed. Sandra M. Stevenson. Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*
Civil actions against state and local government, its divisions, agencies, and officers, 2nd ed. (Thomson-West) Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
A guide to the Federal Tort Claims Act, 2nd ed. Paul Figley. (Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, ABA, c2018) KF 1321 .F54 2018
Jayson & Longstreth, handing federal tort claims. (Matthew Bender) Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*
Municipal law deskbook. William J. Scheiderich (ABA c2015) KF 5205 .S34 2015
Police civil liability. Isidore Silver. (Matthew Bender) Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*
Police misconduct: law and litigation. (Thomson-West, 2002- ) Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
State & local government civil rights liability. Ivan E. Bodensteiner and Rosalie Berger Levinson. Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
State & local government environmental liability. Joel A. Mintz. (West Group, 1994- ) Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
California government tort liability practice, 4th ed. Timothy T. Coates et al. (Continuing Education of the Bar--California, 1999- ) KFC 332 .C35 1999 & Online via CEB OnLaw
Handling claims against government entities: here's how and when to do it. Robert C. Ceccon. CEB Action Guide. (CEB, c2023) KFC 995 .A1 C34 (Reserve) & Online via CEB OnLaw
*NOTE: UCLA School of Law provides Lexis & Westlaw accounts for UCLA law students, faculty, and staff only.