Foreclosure defense: a practical litgation guide, 2nd ed. Rebecca A. Taylor. (ABA, c2020) KF697.F6 T39 2020
Friedman and Smith on contracts and conveyances of real property, 8th ed. Milton R. Friedman; edited and revised by James Charles Smith. (PLI, 2017- ) KF 670 .F72 & Online via PLI Plus
Friedman on leases, 6th ed. Andrew W. Berman. (PLI, 2017-) KF 950 .F73 & Online via PLI Plus
Holtzschue on real estate contracts and closings: a step-by-step guide to buying and selling real estate, 3rd ed. Karl B. Holtzschue. (PLI, 2007- ) Online via PLI Plus
Home foreclosures. Geoff Walsh. (National Consumer Law Center, 2023) KF 697 .F6 W35 2023
How to draft easements. Dean N. Alterman. (ABA, c2021) KF 657 .A75 2021
The law of easements and licenses in land, rev. ed. Jon W. Bruce, James W. Ely, Jr. (West, 2001- ) Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
Law of real property, 3rd ed. Herbert T. Tiffany. (West Group, 1939- ) KF 570 .T55 1939
Mortgage lending: loan origination, preemption and litigation, 4th ed. Andrew G. Pizor et al. (National Consumer Law Center, c2024) KF 695 .P59 2024
Mortgage servicing and loan modifications. John Rao, et. al. (National Consumer Law Center, c2019) KF 697.M3 R36 2019
Powell on real property. Richard R. Powell. (Lexis Publishing, 1949- ) KF 570 .P67 & Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*
Real estate finance law, 6th ed. Grant S. Nelson et al. (Thomson Reuters, 2014) KF 695 .N452 2014 (Reserve) & Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
Real estate opinion letter practice, 3rd ed. Robert A. Thompson. (Section of Real Property, Trust, and Estate Law, ABA, c2014) KF 665 .T48 2014
Advising California common interest communities, 2nd ed. Curtis C. Sproul, Katharine N. Rosenberry. (CEB, 2014- ) KFC 144.3 .S672 & Online via CEB OnLaw
California common interest developments: law and practice, 2002 ed. John Paul Hanna, David M. Van Atta. (West Group, 2002- ) Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
California easements and boundaries: law & litigation. (CEB, 2008-) KFC 163.5 .C25 & Online via CEB OnLaw
California mortgages, deeds of trust, and foreclosure litigation, 4th ed. Roger Bernhardt. (CEB, 2009- ) KFC 175 .B472 (Reserve) & Online via CEB OnLaw
California practice guide. Real property transactions. Dennis L. Greenwald, Michael Asimow. (Rutter Group, 1995- ) KFC 169 .A6 G74 & Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
California real estate brokers: law and litigation. Leslie A. Baxter et al. (CEB, c2009- ) KFC 446 .R3 C35 & Online via CEB OnLaw
California real estate finance practice: strategies and forms. (CEB, 2000- ) KFC 175 .C352 & Online via CEB OnLaw
California real estate law and practice. (Matthew Bender, 1971- ) KFC 140 .A65 C345 & Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*
California real property remedies and damages, 2nd ed. M. Steven Andersen, et al. (CEB, 2002- ) KFC 140 .C352 & Online via CEB OnLaw
California real property sales transactions, 4th ed. (CEB, 1997- ) KFC 169 .C343 & Online via CEB OnLaw
California title insurance practice, 2nd ed. (CEB, 1997- ) KFC 300 .H682 & Online via CEB OnLaw
Forming California common interest developments. Helene Z. Fransz, et al. (CEB, 2004- ) KFC 144.5 .F73 2004 & Online via CEB OnLaw
Handling a real property foreclosure: here's how and when to do it. Michael P. Brody. CEB Action Guide. (CEB, c2020) KFC 995 .A1 C34 (Reserve) & Online via CEB Onlaw
Handling real property sales transactions. Jon L. Mangus, Llewellyn P. Chin, C. Gregg Ankenman. CEB Action Guide. (CEB, c2017) KFC 995 .A1 C34 (Reserve)
Miller & Starr California real estate, 4th ed. (West Group, 2000-) KFC 140 .M642 (Reserve)
Miller & Starr California real estate forms, 2nd ed. Alexander E. Hamilton. (Thomson-West, 2005-) KFC 140 .M52 2005 & Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
Neighbor disputes: law and litigation. Todd W. Baxter. (CEB, c2013-) KFC 144 .N45 & Online via CEB OnLaw
Real property exchanges, 3d ed. Louis S. Weller, Cecily A. Drucker (CEB, 2002- ) KFC 166 .F352
*NOTE: UCLA School of Law provides Bloomberg Law, Lexis & Westlaw accounts for UCLA law students, faculty, and staff only.