Commercial contracts: strategies for drafting and negotiating, 2nd ed. Morton Moskin. (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2013- ) KF 889.3 .C528 & Online access via VitalLaw
Contract drafting: powerful prose in transactional practice, 3rd ed. Lenné Eidson Espenschied. (ABA, c2019) KF 807 .E84 2019
Contract enforcement: specific performance and injunctions, 2nd ed. Edward Yorio and Steve Thel. (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, c2011- ) KF 836 .Y672 & Online access via VitalLaw
Corbin on contracts, rev. ed. by Joseph M. Perillo. (West Group, 1993- ) KF 801 .C65 1993
Drafting business contracts: principles, techniques & forms. (CEB, 1994- ) KF 801 .D72 & Online via CEB OnLaw
Drafting effective contracts: a practitioner’s guide, 3rd ed. Jeff C. Dodd (former editors R. A. Feldman, Raymond T. Nimmer. (Wolters Kluwer, c2020) KF 807 .F453 & Online access via VitalLaw
Elements of contract interpretation. (Oxford University Press, c2009) KF 801 .B874 2009
Entertainment industry contracts: negotiating and drafting guide. Donald C. Farber, general editor. (Matthew Bender, 1986- ) KF 2932 .E57 1986 (Reserve) & Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*
Farnsworth on contracts. E Allan Farnsworth. (Aspen Publishers, 2004-) KF 801 .F367 2004 & Online access via VitalLaw
A manual of style for contract drafting, 5th ed. Kenneth A. Adams. (ABA, c2023) KF 807 .A33 2023 (Reserve)
Modern law of contracts. Howard O. Hunter. (Thomson Reuters, 2010- ) Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
The tech contracts handbook: cloud computing agreements, software licenses, and other IT contracts for lawyers and businesspeople, 3rd ed. David W. Tollen. (ABA, Section of Intellectual Property Law, c2021) KF 905 .C6 T65 2021
A treatise on the law of contracts, 4th ed. Samuel Williston, Richard A. Lord. (Lawyers' Cooperative, 1990- ) KF 801 .W53 1990
A treatise on the law of contracts: forms. 4th ed. Samuel Williston. (West Group, 2001- ) KF 801 .W532 2001
California law of contracts. George W. Kuney, et al. (CEB, 2007- ) KFC 215 .K86 & Online via CEB OnLaw
Matthew Bender practice guide: California contract litigation. Charles Crompton, Dana Dunwoody & Jon S. Tigar. (Bender, [2005?]- ) Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*
*NOTE: UCLA School of Law provides Lexis & Westlaw accounts for UCLA law students, faculty, and staff only.