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Secondary & Practice Guides: Damages

This guide includes the Library's most current, updated secondary and practice guides.


See Also: Remedies and individual subject areas, e.g. Insurance, Torts, etc.

David Ball on damages, 3rd ed. David Ball. (National Institute for Trial Advocacy, c2011)  KF 1250 .B355 2011

Diminution in value damages: how to determine the proper measure of damage to real and personal propertyBarry Zalma.  (ABA, Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section, c2015)  KF1251 .Z35 2015

Formulas for calculating damages, 2nd ed. Mark S. Guralnick. (ABA, 2019)  KF 1251 .G87 2019  

Punitive damages, 8th ed. Linda L. Schlueter. (LexisNexis, c2020-)  KF 1250 .S35 2020 (final print update 2023) & Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*

Punitive damages, law and practice, 2nd ed. Christine M. Wiseman & John J. Kircher.  (West, Thomson Reuters, c2011- )  Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*

Recovery of damages for lost profits, 6th ed. Robert L. Dunn. (Lawpress, 1998- )  KF 836 .D86 2005

Valuation of monetary damages in injury cases:  a damages expert's perspectiveMichael Shahnasarian.  (ABA, c2022)  KF 1257 .S524 2022


California attorney’s guide to damages. 2nd ed. Robert M. Cassel. (CEB, 2004- )  KFC 100 .D3 C34 2004 & Online via CEB OnLaw

California damages: law and proof, 5th ed. Leland M. Johns. (Michie, Parker Publications Division, 1996- )  KFC 310 .J662

California tort damages, 2nd ed. Mary E. Weiss & Paul Peyrat. (CEB, c2002- )  KFC 310 .C352 2002

*NOTE: UCLA School of Law provides Lexis & Westlaw accounts for UCLA law students, faculty, and staff only.