American jurisprudence, 2d. (AmJur)
KF 154 .A42 1962 (no longer updated in print as of 2020) & Westlaw subscription database & Nexis Uni
American jurisprudence legal forms, 2d. KF 170 .A542 & Westlaw subscription database
American jurisprudence pleading and practice forms annotated.
KF 8869.1 .A44 (no longer updated in print as of 2021) & Westlaw subscription database
American jurisprudence trials. KF 8917 .A53 (no longer updated in print as of 2021) & Westlaw subscription database
American jurisprudence proof of facts, 3d. KF 8933 .A43 (no longer updated in print as of 2017) & Westlaw subscription database
Corpus juris secundum (CJS). (West) KF 154 .C56 (no longer updated in print as of 2014) & Westlaw subscription database
Action guides (Continuing Eduation of the Bar--California) ("How to..."). (CEB) KFC 995 .A1 C34 (Reserve)
For a list of of print guides owned by the Law Library, follow this link: CEB Action Guides. Sort by date, by author or by title (drop-down menu on top left).
California basic practice handbook. John E. Heywood, Janis Blancheete, Amy Righter. (CEB, c2012-) KFC 77 .C327 & Online via CEB OnLaw
California jurisprudence, 3d. (Cal Jur) KFC 65 .C33
Witkin (published by the Witkin Legal Institute) (all available on Westlaw subscription database):
Summary of California law, 11th ed. KFC 80 .W5 2017
California procedure, 6th ed. KFC 995 .W52 2021
California evidence, 5th ed. KFC 1030 .W5 2012
California criminal law, 4th ed. KFC 1100 .W52 2012
Witkin finding aids Westlaw subscription database (ID and password required)
Nexis Uni is a UC-wide subscription database. Please see the Database Access LibGuide for more information on subscription databases.
Nexis Uni includes the full-text of American Jurisprudence 2d as well as . Ballentine's Law Dictionary, 3rd
American law reports (ALR), 6th. (Thomson/West) KF 132 .A56 (no longer updated in print as of 2017)
American law reports (ALR), Federal 2d. (Thomson/West)
KF 105 .A542 (no longer updated in print as of 2017)
Please note that most Rutter Guides are kept on Reserve, unless otherwise indicated as "Stacks." Ask for Reserve titles at the Circulation Desk.
Administrative law (Asimow, Strumwasser, Levy, Tuleja) KFC 780 .A975
Alternative dispute resolution (Knight, Fannin, Disco) KFC 1093 .K542
Anti-SLAPP litigation (Burke) KFC 1012.A6 B87
Bankruptcy (March, Ahart, Tchaikovsky) KFC 365 .A6 M37
Bus. & Prof. C. [section] 17200 practice [California Unfair Business Practices Act] (Stern) KFC 375 .S827
California criminal law (Levensen) KFC 1100 .L35 (Reserve)
California criminal procedure (Levenson) KFC 1155 .L482
California fair housing and public accommodations (Cheng, Noel, Saylor) KFC 820 .C44
California law and motion authorities (Parker, Finley, Maze) KFC 1012 .P37
California summary judgment and related termination motions (Finley) KFC 1052 .F56 (Reserve)
California three strikes sentencing (J. Richard Couzens, Tricia A. Bigelow) KFC 1172 .C68
Civil appeals and writs (Eisenberg, Horvitz, Weiner) KFC 1075 .E47 1989
Civil procedure before trial (Weil & Brown) KFC 995 .W4 (Reserve)
Civil procedure before trial: forms (Rivera) KFC 995 .A65 R58 (Reserve)
Civil procedure before trial: statutes of limitations (Rylaarsdam & Turner) KFC 1020 .R95 (Reserve)
Civil trials and evidence (Wegner et al.) KFC 1025 .A6 W43 (Reserve)
Corporations (Friedman) KFC 345 .A6 F75
Elder abuse litigation (Balisok) KFC 111 .A34 B35
Employment litigation (Chin) KFC 572 .A6 C35
Enforcing judgments and debts (Schwartz & Ahart) KFC 1065 .S37 1988 (Reserve)
Family law (Hogoboom) KFC 126 .H65 1982 (Reserve)
Federal civil procedure before trial (Schwarzer, Tashima, & Wagstaffe) KF 8900 .S39 1989 (Reserve)
Federal civil trials and evidence (Jones, Rosen, Wegner, & Jones) KF 8935 .F37
Federal employment litigation (Rosen et al.) KF 3319 .F43 (Reserve)
Federal Ninth Circuit civil appellate practice (Nelson, Goelz, & Watts) KF 9054 9th .N44 (Reserve)
Insurance litigation (Croskey, Johnson, Heeseman) KFC 290 .C76 2007 {Law School ed.}
Insurance litigation (Croskey et al.) KFC 290 .A6 C76 (Reserve)
Landlord-tenant (Friedman, Garcia, Hagarty) KFC 145 .F75 1989 (Reserve)
Personal injury (Flahavan, Rea, Kelly) KFC 1028 .P4 H36 (Reserve)
Privacy law (Guzzetta) KF 1262.A7 G89 2020
Probate (Ross) KFC 205 .Z9 R67 1986
Professional responsibility (Vapnek, Tuft, Peck, Wiener) KFC 76.5 .A2 V36
Public sector employment litigation (Holtzman, Hartinger) KFC 760 .H65
Real property transactions (Greenwald & Asimow) KFC 169 .G74
Sex crimes: California law and procedure (Couzens, Bigelow) KFC 1122 .C68
The following databases include secondary legal sources:
Due to licensing restrictions, the databases that include a "Law School Only" note are restricted to users with UCLA Law School IP addresses.
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