ABI's pension manual. Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
Bender's federal income taxation of retirement plans. Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*
CCH pensions & deferred compensation guide. Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
Complete QDRO handbook: dividing ERISA, military, and civil service pensions and collecting child support from employee benefit plans. Patricia Shewmaker. (ABA, c2019) KF 3512 .C37 2019
Employee benefits guide. David L. Bacon et al. (Matthew Bender) Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*
ERISA class exemptions. Donald J. Myers & Michael B. Richman. (BNA) Bloomberg Law subscription database (ID/password required)*
ERISA fiduciary law. (BNA) Bloomberg Law subscription database (ID/password required)*
ERISA law answer book, 8th ed. John F. Buckley IV. (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, c2014-) Online Access via VitalLaw
ERISA litigation, 6th ed. Jayne E. Zanglein et al. (Bloomberg BNA, c2017) KF 3512 .Z36 2017
ERISA practice and litigation. Lee T. Polk. Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
ERISA survey of federal circuits. Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*
Multiemployer plans--special rules. Michael G. Kushner. (Tax Management Portfolios, c2011- ) Bloomberg Law subscription database (ID/password required)*
Pension answer book. Stephen J. Krass. (Wolters Kluwer, 2018) Online access via VitalLaw
Pension plan terminations: single employer plans. Frank Cummings & Lonie Hassel. (Tax Management Inc., c2007- ) Bloomberg Law subscription database (ID/password required)*
Reporting and disclosure under ERISA. Michael G. Kushner. (Tax Management Portfolios, c2011- ) Bloomberg Law subscription database (ID/password required)*
Veterans benefits manual. (LEXIS Law Pub., c1999- ) KF 7745 .V48
Dividing pensions and other employee benefits in California divorces. Marie Bechetel et al. (CEB, c2006- ) KFC 126 .A6 D58 & Online via CEB OnLaw
*NOTE: UCLA School of Law provides Bloomberg Law, LexisNexis & Westlaw accounts for UCLA law students, faculty and staff only.