*DVDs Available for use only by UCLA Law School students, faculty and staff; please request films at the Circulation Desk.
Serving in Secret: Love, Country, and Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Jonathan T. Baker (MSNBC Films, 2023). Streaming via Kanopy (UCLA only). LGBTQ discrimination in the military.
The Strange History of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato (HBO Documentary Films, 2011). Streaming via Kanopy (UCLA only); film information. A history of the U.S. military's ban on gays and lesbians.
Ask Not. Johnny Symons (New Day Films, 2008). DVD UB418.G38 A85 2008; also streaming via Kanopy (UCLA only). Film information. "The definitive story of the history and activism behind 'don't ask, don't tell.'"
Coming Out Under Fire. Arthur Dong (Fox Lorber Films, 1995). DVD D769.2 .B469 2004
Friendly fire: how politics shaped policy on gays in the military. Chandler Burr. (State Bar of California, 1994) UB418.G38 B97 1994
Gays--in or out?: The U.S. military & homosexuals: a source book. (Brassey's, 1993) UB418.G38 G37 1993
Homosexuality and the military: a sourcebook of official uncensored U.S. government documents. (Diane Pub., 1993) UB418.G38 H65 1993
Summary report of the Military Working Group. (Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1993) UB418.G38 S95 1993. Also online via HeinOnline (UCLA only).
Policy implications of lifting the ban on homosexuals in the military: hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, hearings held May 4 and 5, 1993. (G.P.O., 1993) Y4.AR5/2A:993-94/18. Also available online via HeinOnline (UCLA only).
Homosexuals in the military: policies and practices of foreign countries: report to the Honorable John W. Warner, U.S. Senate. United States General Accounting Office, 1993) UB418.G38 U543 1993
Memorandum for the Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Air Force, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: subject: policy on homosexual conduct in the Armed forces. (Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1993) UB418.G38 U57 1993
Honor bound: a gay American fights for the right to serve his country. Joseph Steffan. (Villard Books, 1992) VB324.G38 S74 1992
Defense force management: DOD's policy on homosexuality: report to Congressional Requesters. (United States General Accounting Office, 1992) UB418.G38 U54 1992
Defense force management: statistics related to DOD's policy on homosexuality: supplement to a report to Congressional requesters. (United States General Accounting Office, 1992) UB418.G38 U54 1992a
Gays in uniform: the Pentagon's secret reports. Edited by Kate Dyer. (Alyson Publications, 1990) UB418.G38 G38 1990
My country, my right to serve: experiences of gay men and women in the military: World War II to the present. Mary Ann Humphrey. (HarperCollins, 1990) UB418.G38 H86 1990
Perverts by official order: the campaign against homosexuals by the United States Navy. Lawrence R. Murphy. (Haworth Press, 1988) VB324.G38 M87 1988 (*Supplement #1 to Journal of Homosexuality.)
Fighting back: lesbian and gay draft, military, and veterans issues. Katherine Bordonnay, et al, authors; Joseph Schuman, Kathleen Gilberd, editors. (National Lawyers Guild's Military Law Task Force, 1985) UB343 .F46 1985
Homosexuals and the military: a study of less than honorable discharge. Colin J. Williams and Martin S. Weinberg. (Harper & Row, 1971) UH630 .W55 1971