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Williams Institute Reading Room: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resources in Law and Public Policy: Reference

A guide to resources in the Williams Institute Reading Room, part of the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Public Policy at the UCLA School of Law.

Reference Links


Libraries, Librarians & Archives


The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies. Edited by Abbie E. Goldberg & Genny Beemyn (SAGE Reference, 2021) HQ77.9 .S24 2021

LGBTQ Americans in the U.S. Political System: an Encyclopedia of Activists, Voters, Candidates, and Officeholders. Edited by Jason Pierceson (ABC-CLIO, 2020) HQ73.3.U6 L434 2020 (2 vols.)

Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History. Edited by Howard Chiang (Gale Cengage, 2019) HQ73 .G56 2019 (3 vols.).  *Also available online (restricted to UCLA). 

The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies. Edited by Abbie E. Goldberg. (SAGE, 2016) HQ75.15 .S24 2016 (print; also electronic; restricted to UCLA).

Greenwood encyclopedia of LGBT issues worldwide. Edited by Chuck Stewart. (Greenwood Press, 2010)  HQ76 .G83 2010 (print); Electronic resource, restricted to UCLA.

LGBTQ America today: an encyclopedia. Edited by John C. Hawley; Emmanuel S. Nelson, advisory editor. (Greenwood Press, 2009) Electronic resource, restricted to UCLA.

Encyclopedia of gay and lesbian popular culture. Luca Prono. (Greenwood Press, 2008) *Electronic resource; restricted to UCLA.

Great events from history: Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender events, 1848-2006. Editorial board: Lillian Faderman, Horacio Roque Ramirez, Yolanda Retter, Stuart Timmons and Eric C. Wat.  (Salem Press, 2007) HQ73 .G74 2007

Encyclopedia of sexual behavior and the law. Robert L. Maddex. (CQ Press, c2006)  KF9325.A68 M33 2006

Routledge international encyclopedia of queer culture. Edited by David A. Gerstner. (Routledge, 2006)  HQ76.96 .R68 2006 *At YRL.

Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered History in America. Marc Stein, ed. (Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004) 3 vols. HQ76.3.U5 E53 2004 (print);  Available online, Gale Virtual Reference Library; restricted to UCLA.

Lesbian histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. Bonnie Zimmerman, editor. (Garland, 2000) HQ75.5 .L4395 2000

Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. George E. Haggerty, editor; John Beynon, Douglas Eisner, assistant editors. (Garland, 2000)  HQ75.13 .G37 2000

Completely Queer: the gay and lesbian encyclopedia. Steve Hogan and Lee Hudson. (Henry Holt, 1999) HQ75.13 .H64 1999

Encyclopedia of homosexuality. Wayne R. Dynes, Warren Johansson, William A. Percy and Stephen Donaldson. (Garland Pub, 1990) 2 v.  HQ76.25 .E53 1990 (print); *At YRL.  Also available online: Encyclopedia of Homosexuality

Cassell's encyclopedia of queer myth, symbol and spirit: gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender lore. Randy P. Conner, David Hatfield Sparks and Mariya Sparks; foreword by Gloria E. Anzaldúa. (Cassell, 1997) BL795.H6 C65 1997   *At YRL and SRLF.


Historical dictionary of homosexuality. Brent L. Pickett.  (Scarecrow Press, 2009)  HQ75.13 .P53 2009

Diccionario gay-lésbico: vocabulario general y argot de la homosexualidad.  Félix Rodríguez González.  (Gredos, 2008) HQ75.13 .R63 2008

The dictionary of homophobia: a global history of gay & lesbian experience. Edited by Louis-Georges Tin; translated by Marek Redburn with Alice Michaud and Kyle Mathers. (Arsenal Pulp Press, c2008)  HQ76.4 .D5313 2008

Homosexuality and the law: a dictionary. Chuck Stewart. (ABC-CLIO, 2001)  KF4754.5.A68 S74 2001

Wimmin, wimps & wallflowers: an encyclopaedic dictionary of gender and sexual orientation bias in the United States. Philip H. Herbst. (Intercultural Press, c2001)  HQ76.45.U5 H47 2001

Historical dictionary of the gay liberation movement: gay men and the quest for social justice. Ronald J. Hunt. (Scarecrow Press, 1999)  HQ76.5 .H86 1999

Almanacs, etc.

Out in all directions: a treasury of gay and lesbian America. Edited by Lynn Witt, Sherry Thomas, and Eric Marcus (Warner Books, 1997) HQ76.3.U5 W58 1997

The gay almanac. Compiled by the National Museum & Archive of Lesbian and Gay History, a program of the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, New York. (Berkley Books, 1996)  HQ76.3.U5 G367 1996

The Alyson almanac. 1st ed. (1989)-; ceased publication with 3rd ed. (1994/1995)? (Alyson Publications, c1989-) *Williams has 1993 ed.  v.1-3 at SRLF.  HQ76.25 .A48 1993

The gay book of lists. Leigh W. Rutledge. 1st U.S. ed. (Alyson Publications, 1987; 1988 printing)  HQ76 .R88 1987 (3rd edition, 2003, at LGBT Center Library.)


Gay/lesbian almanac: a new documentary in which is contained, in chronological order, evidence of the true and fantastical history of those persons now called lesbians and gay men.  Jonathan Ned Katz. 1st ed. (Harper & Row, c1983)  HQ76.8.U5 K37 1983


Biography, Quotations

Gay Lives. Robert Aldrich. (Thames & Hudson, 2012). HQ75.2 .A53 2012 *At Young Research Library.

The gay 100: a ranking of the most influential gay men and lesbians, past and present.  Paul Russell. (Carol Pub. Group, 1995). HQ75.2 .R87 1995

Unnatural quotations: a compendium of quotations by, for, or about gay people.  Leigh W. Rutledge. 1st U.S. ed. (Alyson Publications, 1988). PN6084.G35 U56 1988

General Reference

Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940; International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture. (Gale, Electronic resource; UC users only)

The New York Times on Gay and Lesbian Issues. Susan Burgess. (CQ Press, 2011) HQ76.3.U5 B87 2011

Gay and lesbian issues: a reference handbook. Chuck Stewart. (ABC-CLIO, 2003) HQ76.25 .S748 2003

Gay and lesbian Americans and political participation: a reference handbook. Raymond A. Smith and Donald P. Haider-Markel; foreward by Tammy Baldwin. (ABC-CLIO, 2002)  HQ76.3.U5 S59 2002

LGBTQ+ Life. [Index & Abstracts] (EBSCO Information Services). (Electronic resource; UC users only)

Sexual Orientation and the Law: A Research Bibliography. James M. Donovan, ed.; Standing Committee on Lesbian and Gay Issues, American Association of Law Libraries (William S. Hein & Co., 2006) KF4754.5.A1 S49 2006