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Williams Institute Reading Room: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resources in Law and Public Policy: LGBT Law

A guide to resources in the Williams Institute Reading Room, part of the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Public Policy at the UCLA School of Law.

Treatises / Practice Guides

General, 2020 -

General, 2010 - 2019

General, 1990 - 2009

Current Awareness

LGBT Law Notes. A publication of the Gay and Lesbian Law Association of Greater New York; provides reports on lesbian/gay and AIDS-related legal developments. Edited and chiefly written by law professor Arthur Leonard of New York Law School; published monthly. 



Historical Interest

Election 2004: the gay vote, gay marriage, and the prospect for gay rights legislation. (Videocassette) Williams Project on Sexual Orientation Law and Policy (2004) KF4754.5.A75 E44 2004

In the Supreme Court of the United States: John Geddes Lawrence and Tyrone Garner, petitioners v. Texas, respondent: brief of amici curiae constitutional law professors.  William B. Rubenstein, et al. (Wilson-Epes Printing Co., 2003) KF4754.5 .R83 2003

Lesbian rights resource kit. (National Organization for Women, c1980) KF4754.5 .L4x

The Challenge and progress of homosexual law reform, prepared and published by the Council on Religion and the Homosexual, Daughters of Bilitis Society for Individual Rights, Tavern Guild of San Francisco. (Council on Religion and the Homosexual, 1968) KF4754.5 .C53 1968

The right of association. One Institute Quarterly: Homophile Studies, v. 3, no. 1 (winter 1960). KF4778 .R535 1960 *Documents from Vallerga v. Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, a case involving "Mary's First and Last Chance Bar," a gay bar in Oakland, CA.