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UCLA School of Law History Archive: Home

This guide provides an inventory of the Law Library's archive of resources relating to the history of the UCLA School of Law


The Law Library's archive contains resources related to the history of the UCLA School of Law, including: (1) UCLA Law School Announcement; (2) The Docket; (3) The UCLA Law Magazine; (4) oral histories of key figures in the school’s history; (5) UCLA Law School yearbooks; (6) miscellaneous publications; and (7) photographs. Please note that all archive materials not available online must be paged at the library's circulation desk and viewed in the reference reading room with a librarian present.

Although not part of the Law Library's archive, additional resources may be helpful in researching the history of the Law School, including the Los Angeles Times, Daily Bruin, and other local papers and the legislative history of the California state bill funding the Law School in 1947. Additional materials are also available through the UCLA University Archives.
