Although final exams will be administered differently for the Spring 2020 term, some of the information below will still be pertinent for Spring 2020 exams. For more information about the administration of Spring 2020 exams, see Spring 2020 Exam FAQs.
For more information (including screenshots) on how to take an exam through MyLaw, please see the MyLaw Take-Home Exam Instructions.
For information (including screenshots) on how to take an exam through CCLE, please see the Tips for Taking an Exam in CCLE.
A student's blind ID number can be found on the right-hand side of their MyLaw homepage.
Yes. Examplify will ask for your Exam Number before you take an exam, this is the same number as your Blind ID.
Please refer to the Final Exam Schedule for up-to-date information about exam dates and times. The schedule will be updated with exact times a couple weeks before exams.
Please refer to the LL.M. Approved Extra Time Final Exam Schedule. Please make sure you go to the room listed in this document and not the JD room as you will not be given additional time if you are in the incorrect room.
Students may postpone one of those exams to the following day. To do this they must complete a Petition to Reschedule an Exam on MyLaw. The petition can be found at Please note, the Petition to Reschedule an Exam is often due several weeks before the exam schedule is posted. Please review the form for more information.
Students who wish to request that an exam be rescheduled due to compelling and extenuating circumstances must also submit a petition by completing this form and attaching a personal statement and documentation.
Do not contact your professor about your exam as it could jeopardize your anonymity. If you had a problem during your exam, please contact the Dean of Students. If the problem was specific to technical issues (computer, Examplify, etc.) please email
Your take-home exam will be available on your MyLaw home page at the time indicated in the email from Tyler Wilson, Assistant Director of Records. Tyler will send an email with information and instructions on how to download the exam about a week before the exam is scheduled. More information can be found at
Each semester a room will be reserved for take-home exams for 12 hours or less.
Testing Accommodations are arranged through the Center for Accessible Education. Please contact the Director of Student Life, Carmina Ocampo (, for more information on the process.
For those with approved accommodations, the Assistant Director of Records, Tyler Wilson (, will email you with instructions, including a schedule and any accommodation-related details, around a week before the exam.
The following steps will ensure your computer works optimally with Examplify.