The following information about the process to request CAE accommodations & services is from CAE’s website:
Law students with disabilities who intend to request accommodations must first register with and provide documentation to the UCLA Center for Accessible Education (CAE). CAE will then provide recommendations to the law school regarding reasonable and appropriate accommodations, and the law school will implement them to the best of our ability. Here are the following steps to request accommodations:
Once the law school receives the email with your form and acknowledges receipt, the law school will implement your approved accommodations from that date forward.
If you were approved for exam accommodations, those accommodations will be implemented for all your upcoming exams. Tyler Wilson, who is in charge of administering exam accommodations, typically emails accommodated students with information about exam logistics (room and time, etc.) about 3-5 business days before an exam. Please check your email every day starting the week before your exam and read all emails from Tyler, Brian Hansen and the Records office.
If you were approved for notetaking, it is your responsibility to complete a Notetaker Request Form each semester as soon as the class schedule is confirmed. This form is due by the end of the second week of the semester.
To request notetakers, please fill out this form as soon as you learn your class schedule.
If you any questions about your accommodations, please email Carmina Ocampo at If you have questions about exam logistics, email
The deadline to make an initial request to CAE for accommodations is always the last day of instruction every semester. However, is in your best interest to request accommodations with CAE as early as possible to ensure that there is enough time for CAE to process your request and for the law school to implement your approved accommodations. Follow the process discussed in Question 1 to submit a request for accommodations with CAE. Please provide all the necessary documentation to CAE, as any missing information or documents will slow down the intake process.
The law school strives to ensure that all accommodations are provided on an anonymous basis whenever possible. Students who receive notes for classes are not identified to faculty or to any student note-takers. When examination accommodations are provided, there is no notation on the academic record, and faculty members do not know which students have been accommodated or which exams have been taken under accommodated circumstances. Students should not communicate with their professors about requests for accommodations, and should make all in-class accommodation requests to the Director of Student Life.
You do not have to request accommodations every semester. Once the Office of Student Affairs has received your paperwork from CAE with information about your approved accommodations, those accommodations will be implemented every semester, unless there is a modification or an expiration date for your accommodations.
If your accommodations are temporary, they will not be implemented past the expiration date that was noted on your CAE information form. The Office of Student Affairs can provide a copy of your CAE form upon request.
If you are temporarily registered with CAE or your accommodations have an expiration date, you should first reach out to your CAE counselor. If you are registered with a “temporary” disability and hope to get registered regularly, you will need to submit a new request online through the CAE website. If you simply need to provide updated documentation, then you can just do that. Contact your CAE counselor as soon as possible to discuss renewing your accommodations.
If you are registered with CAE and would like to make a change to your accommodations, you should first email your CAE counselor with details about your request. The CAE counselor will let you know if you have documentation to support the request, if more is needed, or if you need to schedule an appointment to come in.
If you are temporarily registered with CAE or your accommodations have an expiration date, you should first reach out to your CAE counselor. If you are registered with a “temporary” disability and hope to get registered regularly, you will need to submit a new request online through the CAE website. You can provide updated documentation at any time.
It is in your best interest to contact your CAE counselor to request modifications to your accommodations as soon as possible to ensure there is enough time for CAE to process your request and for the law school to implement your approved accommodations.
Notetaking is available for any student who was approved for notetaking by CAE. It is the responsibility of the student to complete a Notetaker Request Form each semester as soon as their class schedule is confirmed. This form is due by the end of the second week of the semester.
To request notetakers, please fill out this form as soon as you learn your class schedule.
The Office of Student Affairs will hire notetakers for classes and will communicate with you about when you should start receiving notes. If you have any questions about notetaking, please contact the Director of Student Life at
If you are approved for exam accommodations, they will be implemented for all your upcoming exams, including most take-home exams. Tyler Wilson is in charge of administering exam accommodations and typically emails accommodated students with information about logistics (room and time, etc.) about 3-5 business days before an exam. Please check your email every day starting the week before your exam and read all emails from Tyler, Brian Hansen and the Records office.
If you any questions about your accommodations, please email Carmina Ocampo at If you have questions about exam logistics, email Tyler at
For questions about the implementation of approved accommodations at the law school, contact Carmina Ocampo, Director of Student Life at (310) 825-4892 or