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MyLaw Help

This guide is designed to provide help using MyLaw to the UCLA School of Law community. If you need additional assistance, please email:

Creating Content Pages or Links to External Web Pages

(Note the items marked with a red asterisk are required fields)

If you are creating a Content page or link using the "Create" link, skip to step 2.

Make sure you are on your "Portal Content Management/Targeting Site" (See "Getting to Department Site Management" to the left)

  1. Locate your Department Content Pages and Links web part and in the lower left corner, click on "Add new item."
  1. Add a Title to your page or link
  1. If you are creating a link to an external web page, enter it here, including http://

    (Skip to step 6)

  1. If NOT linking to an external web page, add text and / or images to Page Content.

    NOTE: Copying content directly from Word will cause formatting problems. Be sure to paste your content into a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit first, then copy that text and paste into your content area.

You can use the controls in the content editor above to make formatting changes to your content, such as adding italics, bulleted lists, links (see linking instructions) or tables. Please do not apply "your own font." If you would like a training session on more advanced features of content editing, please email

  1. Add images or documents, if desired.

See separate box about uploading images in MyLaw.

To link to a document from your page, see the linking to documents box on the Documents page. 

  1. Review the Show on Date - the default is Today, but you can specify a future date
  1. If desired, set an expiration date (Expires) for your content or linked page which will remove it from your Department home page on a given date


  1. Choose a Content Category, or enter one not on the list. Content Categories organize your pages by grouping them together for easy access.  You MUST keep the names of Content Categories consistent (including matching case) for them to be most useful and be wary of typos.


This chart illustrates how the Content Category displays on the "Public" view of your site:

Listing of Content Pages in Portal
noting Content Categories:

Categories of content pages in
Public Display's Left Navigation

  1. Select your targeted audience(s) for the page
  • If targeting content to faculty and/or students, be sure to also target it to staff since they may also need to view this information.
  1. Choose the Sort Order - if you have multiple pages in the same Content Category, choose the order in which the page is displayed in the left navigation. The default is alphabetical, but if you need to change this, you need to update the sort order for each content page within the content category.
  1. Select Hidden if you do not want your audience(s) to see the page in the left navigation (however, you can link to this page from another content page).
  1. Click "Save"

Creating New Content for your Department or Center Site

The easiest way to create new content on your Department or Center MyLaw site is to Use the "Create" link in the upper right corner of the MyLaw banner.

Once you click "Create" you must select the type of content you wish to create on your site (Announcement, Event, Deadline, Content Page or Document).   If you belong to more than one department or center, you must also select the appropriate site for which you are creating new content.

Once you select the type of content and the specific site, click Next.  This will take you to the form that must be filled out to create the new content.  (Please see the separate boxes for detailed instructions about creating announcements, creating events, creating deadlinescreating content pages or links, and creating documents.)

Linking to Other MyLaw Content Pages & External Web Pages

Visit the Documents page for instructions on linking to documents in your document library.

Linking to other content pages in MyLaw is the same as linking to external web pages in that you need to know the link URL in advance. There are two ways you can find the links to your other content pages, depending on whether your page is visible or hidden.

If you already have your link URLs, skip to "Creating the Link" below. The following instructions cover creating links within Events, Announcements and Content pages.

Getting the Links to Visible Content Pages

If the pages you wish to link to are "visible" (i.e., the links to the pages show in the left navigation on your site):

  1. Navigate to the home page your site using the top navigation (the "public" view).
  2. From the left navigation, right click on the page you wish to link to and select "Copy Link Location" (or "Copy Shortcut" or "Copy Link Address"--terminology will vary by browser).

  3. Go to instructions for "Creating a Link."

Getting the Links to Hidden Pages

If you marked your page as hidden so that it doesn't show in the left navigation, you will need to follow these steps to create your link:

  1. Get the "base link" for your pages. (The base link will look something like this: )
    1. On your Internal Team Collaboration Site, you may have a document posted there that contains the link--simply open the document and copy the link.

    2. If not, you can follow the steps above under "Getting the Link to "Visible" Content Pages," and copy the link to any visible page (Note: you will need to remove the number at the end of the URL--i.e., everything after the = sign--to get your "base link.")
    3. Or, contact for assistance in getting your base link.
  2. Next, go your "Portal Content Management/Targeting Site" and look for your "Department Content and Links" part.
  3. In this part, you will notice a column called ID. Find the ID for the page or pages you wish to link to and make note of them.

  4. Add the ID number to the end of your base link and you will have the link to to your content page. It will look something like this:

Creating the Link on Your Page

Follow these instructions after you have your link URLs.

  1. In the body of your Announcement/Event/Content Page, highlight the appropriate text and click on the Link icon from the ribbon

  2. This will open a very large window (please be patient, it may take sometime for this window to open the first time in your editing session).
  3. In this window, the only thing you need is the "Location (URL)" field.  It may already be filled in as shown above. Delete this information and paste your external link or content page link into this field:


  4. Click OK

Editing a Content Page

  1. If necessary, expand the Content Category to locate the page you wish to update.
  1. Position your cursor to the right of the title; click on the down arrow; and, select Edit Item
  1. Make your changes and click "Save" when you are done.