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MyLaw Help

This guide is designed to provide help using MyLaw to the UCLA School of Law community. If you need additional assistance, please email:

General Information for Your Department Portal Site

In MyLaw, the Portal Content Management/Targeting Site provides members of the UCLA Law community with information about school departments, centers & programs, student organizations and publications. Departmental information, documents and announcements can be targeted to specific groups, e.g., all faculty, all students, 1st year students, etc.  Pages and documents can have expiration dates when they are are no longer displayed to these audiences, but expiration dates can be removed or reset enabling pages to be reused.

A Department Portal site has four main sections: 

Creating New Content for your Department or Center Site

The easiest way to create new content on your Department or Center MyLaw site is to Use the "Create" link in the upper right corner of the MyLaw banner.

Once you click "Create" you must select the type of content you wish to create on your site (Announcement, Event, Deadline, Content Page or Document).   If you belong to more than one department or center, you must also select the appropriate site for which you are creating new content.

Once you select the type of content and the specific site, click Next.  This will take you to the form that must be filled out to create the new content.  (Please see the separate boxes for detailed instructions about creating announcements, creating events, creating deadlinescreating content pages or links, and creating documents.)

Department Site Views

The admin view of your MyLaw Department Portal Site looks different than what your audience will see.  The following diagram matches the admin view with the view your audience(s) will see.

Layout of Department Portal Views

Department Site Best Practices

Be sure to have a home page for each targeted audience.

If targeting content to faculty and/or students, be sure to also target it to staff if you think they may also need to view this information.

File Limits in MyLaw

File Size Limit:  There is a single file size limit of 50mb. If your file is larger than that, you will need to break it into parts of 50mb or less.

File Number limits: There is a limit of 100 files when using the "upload multiple" files feature.