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United Nations Materials
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United Nations Materials
An introductory guide to finding United Nations documents and International case law.
Overview of the UN
General Research
Resolutions, Voting Records, and Speeches
Case Law
Additional Resources
Useful Links
United Nations Home Page
The official web page of the United Nations.
United Nations Documentation: Research Guide
Research guide published by the United Nations.
Official web-site locator for the UN
Alphabetical directory of web-sites for UN affiliate organizations.
UN Documents
Include PDF versions of General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions.
United Nations Digital Library
Catalogue of United Nations(UN) documents and publications indexed by the UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
International Court of Justice
Official web page of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
1. Online Resources
United Nations Treaty Collection
This link opens in a new window
Contains the texts of over 40,000 bilateral and multilateral treaties.
World Treaty Library (through HeinOnline) - UCLA Only
2. Print Resources
United Nations Treaty Series. Recueil des traités.
This is the print version of the official set of treaties since 1946. Includes indexes, each of which covers only a portion of the set.
Library: KZ172 .T74 (Stacks)
Case Law
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