Resolutions express the opinions, recommendations for action, and directives of various bodies of the UN. The General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, and Trusteeship Council all issue resolutions.
1, Online Resources
2, Print Resources
Voting records may be available for the General Assembly or the Security Council. Many General Assembly Resolutions and Decisions are passed without a vote or without recording the votes of individual members; however, in certain situations, the individual votes of member states are recorded and available. Individual votes on Security Council Resolutions are typically recorded. Voting records may be found officially as part of Meeting Records or unofficially as part of Press Releases or as separate compilations.
1, Online Resources
Speeches and statements are often given during the meetings of the various UN bodies and may be helpful for the researcher in learning more detail about a given topic. Depending on the body meeting and the topic discussed, some speeches are recorded verbatim whereas others are only summarized. In the UN document symbol, those that have been recorded verbatim are identified as PV and those that are only summarized are identified as SR.
Speeches are typically included as part of meeting records; however, there are several resources that index the speeches themselves to make it easier for the researcher to determine during which meeting a given speech took place so that s/he can track down the transcript.
1, Online Resources
2, Print Resources