Reports & Publications:
Arizona's Legislative Scorecards:
Abuse Documentation Reports:
If you have browsed this LibGuide, you'll notice the numerous links to the Arizona Republic. The coverage is excellent--and it's all gathered up on one page (linked below). You may read all immigration news categories or limit your reading to articles about the lawsuits, reform, Mexico, the Border, and the economy. Also links to opinion pieces.
U.S. District Court, District of Arizona (Phoenix Division), Case #: 2:12-cv-00981
Arizona passed Proposition 200 on Nov. 2, 2004, which required voters to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote or casting a ballot. The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona sued the state, arguing that Prop. 200 violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and is unconstitutional under the Fourteenth and Twenty-fourth Amendments, and is inconsistent with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). After the district court denied a preliminary injunction, the plaintiffs appealed to the 9th Circuit.
The U.S. Supreme Court granted cert on Oct. 15, 2012 (No. 12-71).
This center row of boxes and the row to the right include recent events, studies, legislator/gov't actions related to undocumented immigrants. The links below will take you directly to the box, which will include links to news articles, laws/bills/propositions, as well as scholarly articles.
On January 27, 2011, Arizona lawmakers introduced 4 birthright bills: HB 2561 and SB 1309 defines Arizona citizenship as a person "lawfully domiciled" in Arizona who is born in the U.S. and is "subject to the jurisdiction thereof." The latter is defined as children who have at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen, a U.S. national or a legal permanent U.S. resident. HB 2562 and SB 1308 would require Arizona to create separate birth certificates for children who are deemed to be Arizona citizens under HB 2561/SB 1309 and those who are not.
The full text of the bills (in PDF) are provided in the box below.
Patrick S. Cunningham, The Legal Arizona Worker's Act: A Threat to Federal Supremacy Over Immigration?, 42 Ariz. St. L.J. 411 (2010). LexisNexis | Westlaw
Sandra J. Durkin, The Legal Arizona Workers Act and Preemption Doctrine, 15 Mich. J. Race & L. 417 (2010). LexisNexis | Westlaw
Shelly Chandra Patel, E-Verify: An Exceptionalist System Embedded in the Immigration Reform Battle Between Federal and State Governments, 30 B.C. Third World L.J. 453 (2010). LexisNexis | Westlaw
Randall G. Shelley, Jr., If You Want Something Done Right . . . : Chicanos Por La Causa v. Napolitano and the Return of Federalism to Immigration Law, 43 Akron L. Rev. 603 (2010). Heinonline | LexisNexis | Westlaw
Nchimunya D. Ndulo, State Employer Sanctions Laws and the Federal Preemption Doctrine: The Legal Arizona Workers Act Revisited, 18 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 849 (2009). Heinonline | LexisNexis | Westlaw
Hector O. Villagra, Arizona's Proposition 200 and the Supremacy of Federal Law: Elements of Law, Politics, and Faith, 2 Stan. J. Civ. Rts. & Civ. Liberties 295 (2006). Heinonline | LexisNexis | Westlaw
Mary Romero & Marwah Serag, Violation of Latino Civil Rights Resulting from INS and Local Police’s Use of Race, Culture and Class Profiling: The Case of the Chandler Roundup in Arizona, 52 Clev. St. L. Rev. 75 (2005). Heinonline | LexisNexis | Westlaw
Mary Romero, “Go After the Women”: Mothers Against Illegal Aliens’ Campaign Against Mexican Immigrant Women and their Children, 83 Ind. L.J. 1355 (2008). Heinonline | LexisNexis | Westlaw