This page contains both secondary sources on asylum law, in addition to useful links for conducting country conditions research.
Law of Asylum in the United States, Deborah E. Anker. (West, 2019).
One volume; author is Director of the Harvard Law School Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program. Chapters include: Introduction, Standard of Proof, Evidence, Persecution, Nexus and Grounds of Persecution, Exclusions from Asylum and Withholding of Removal, and Protection Under Article 3 of Convention Against Torture.
Library: | KF4836 .L34 (*print ceased in 2020) |
Westlaw: | LOAUS |
Library: | KF4836 .G47 2019 (Reserve) |
Library: | KF4836.A53 A78 (Stacks) |
Westlaw: | ASYLUMCLS |
*See also the News, Journals & Blogs Tab, and the Organizations Tab (for particular issues.)
Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR), Country Conditions Pages (Department of Justice). Can search by country; within country, organized by topical issues. Includes U.S. State Department Reports, in addition to annual reports by other countries (UK, Canada.)
U.S. State Department:
Canada, Immigration & Refugee Board
United Kingdom, Home Office
*See also the News, Journals & Blogs Tab, and the Organizations Tab (for particular issues.)
Reports & Information from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs):