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Immigration Law Research Guide: Immigration & Criminal Law

Provides general and specialized sources for researching U.S. immigration law, including online government resources, statutes, regulations & case law, plus general and specialized secondary sources and immigration-related organizations.


Immigration Law and Crimes, Dan Kesselbrenner and Lory D. Rosenberg. (Westlaw, 2021).  One volume; updated regularly. Includes forms, model pleadings, checklists, references to federal and state statutes and administrative documents.


Crimmigration Law, César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández (ABA, 2d ed., 2021). 


KF4819 .G37 2021


Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity: A Guide to Representing Foreign-Born Defendants, 6th ed.; Mary E. Kramer. (American Immigration Lawyers Association, 2015).  

Library: KF 4842 .K73 2015 (Reserve)


California Criminal Defense of Immigrants, Norton Tooby & Katherine Brady. (CEB, 2014- ).  

Library: KFC1155 .C33


Online Resources