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Arizona and National Immigration Crisis: Home

Covers Arizona & the nation's immigration crisis. Designed for Rebellious Lawyering trainings, the content reflects the work of June Kim, RA Tara Kearns, & Professor Gerald P. López. PLEASE NOTE: This guide is not currently being updated.


This LibGuide reflects the efforts of reference librarian June Kim, research assistant Tara Kearns, and law professor Gerald López. It began as a guide for those on-the-ground problem solvers facing--and those researchers interested in--Arizona's recently passed immigration law, SB 1070, but has evolved into a resource bank for all people interested in learning more about SB 1070 and its content, context, origins, justifications, responses, and possible consequences. 

We began by tracking the responses to SB 1070, both challenging its provisions (lawsuits, boycotts, and protests) and imitating them (copycat states and anti-immigrant ordinances). We then added content on Arizon's demographics and historical background relating to race relations and the treatment of immigrants for people seeking to understand the broader context of SB 1070. All of these primary topic areas are included in the top level of pages, or tabs, you will see at the top of each LibGuide screen. Finally, we added a variety of immigration-related sources, which can be found in the second and third level pages/tabs.

This LibGuide contains lots, so we encourage readers to begin by clicking on a topical tab of interest and browsing the page for links to court documents, news articles, journal articles, opinion pieces, memos, letters, reports, factsheets, webpages, and other resources.

S.B. 1070

The short title of S.B. 1070 is the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act" (Section 13). S.B. 1070 was signed into law by Governor Brewer on April 23, 2010 and has the effective date of July 29, 2010. A final version of the bill is included in the link and PDF Below:

For further information on the order, read these stories:

For information on lawsuits filed against S.B. 1070, open the "Responses to S.B. 1070" tab and check out the "Lawsuits" box.


Adalberto Aguirre. Arizona's SB1070, Latino Immigrants and the Framing of Anti-Immigration Policies, Latino Studies 10.3 (Autumn 2012): 385-394.

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