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Free and Low Cost Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) for California Attorneys


About Free and Low Cost MCLE

The UCLA Law Library regularly receives calls from attorneys asking if the library provides free MCLE materials. Unfortunately, the library is not able to provide free MCLE to anyone other than current UCLA Law faculty, staff, and students. However, we have compiled the guide below to help attorneys locate free and low cost MCLE options.

Additionally, we strongly encourage you to check the MCLE category in UCLA School of Law's calendar of events, for opportunities to connect with fellow UCLA alumni and complete your MCLE credits at the same time:

Verifying MCLE Providers

The fact that a provider appears on this guide does not mean that the UCLA Law Library recommends or endorses them. Providers are added to this list so long as they are:

  • Free or low cost, and 
  • Listed by the California bar as an approved MCLE provider, at the time that they are added.

Before purchasing MCLE from any of the providers list below, please verify on the California bar's website that the provider is still an approved MCLE provider:

If you discover that a provider is no longer approved by the state bar or that it is no longer offering free or low cost MCLE, please contact Caitlin Hunter,

Resources for Current UCLA Law Faculty, Staff, and Students

Current UCLA Law faculty, staff, and students can complete their MCLE for free through the UCLA Law Library's CEB OnLaw Pro subscription, using the following link:

Please note: If you receive an error message when trying to access CEB, please log out and then log in again. If the error message persists, please email the reference email for students, the reference email for faculty, or the general reference email for assistance.

If you are a current UCLA Law faculty member, staff member, or student and you have not registered for a CEB OnLaw Pro account, you can do so using the link below:

Additionally, all faculty, staff, and students at any law school are eligible to apply for fee waivers for individual PLI MCLE programs as part of PLI's pro bono program, described below.

Resources for Pro Bono Topics and Attorneys

There are a number of budget MCLE options available to attorneys who are performing pro bono or other public interest work or are interested in completing their MCLE on pro bono or other public interest topics:

Resources for Picking Up a Few Final MCLE Hours

Many MCLE providers that sell compliance bundles (listed below under Resources for Completing All of Your MCLE) also offer free samples:

Resources for Completing All of Your MCLE

Many companies sell compliance bundles or monthly or annual subscriptions that allow you to cheaply complete all of your MCLE: