Links marked with the following icons require individual accounts or a UCLA VPN:
UCLA School of Law students, including MLS and LLM students -- Please see MyLaw for registration information and VPN instructions. See also the Law Library's Access to Databases Guide for more information.
Legal news is a good starting point for topic ideas that are fresh, relevant and haven't yet been written about in many law review articles. Legal news articles from legal news sources often include links to at least some of the primary sources being discussed. The below are general legal news sources, for more specific sources by specialization (e.g., Corporate, Environmental), see the Areas of Specialization page.
News service for lawyers covering litigation developments, major lawsuits, court decisions, class action developments and large law firm transactions. Law School only. Also available on Lexis+ (Lexis password required).
Watch a video on Law360 prepared by our reference librarians.
Law students: you must access this source using the law school VPN. You cannot access it using any of the campus wifi networks, including Eduroam.
Legal news website featuring high profile cases, law firm developments, and general articles on the legal profession. Includes: The American Lawyer, Corporate Counsel, The National Law Journal, The New York Law Journal and The New Jersey Law Journal. Law School only.
Watch a video on prepared by our reference librarians.
Law students: you must access this source using the law school VPN. You cannot access it using any of the campus wifi networks, including Eduroam.
You may find browsing and researching general news sources to be helpful in selecting an researching your topic. There are a wealth of news resources available at UCLA. The following are some suggestions to get started:
Legal blogs are another good starting point for fresh ideas.
The Justia website provides directories of legal blogs:
The following blog can be especially helpful for finding relevant, publishable topics:
Skimming the tables of contents for law reviews in your area of interest can also spark ideas for topics.
Washington & Lee School of Law provides a ranking tool that allows you to locate the major journals by practice area.