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Public Health Law Seminar Research Guide: Constitutional Law

Created for Amira Hasenbush's Winter 2013 class.

Articles Databases

To find articles, you can search in a full-text database (such as HeinOnline or JSTOR) or you can use an index (such as the two listed below).

Tip 1: The advantage of using an index is when you are searching broad subject areas, such as "constitutional law" and privacy. Because you are not searching the full text of an article, the number of results are limited to the articles that have these terms in the title, subject headings, and, perhaps, the abstract.

Tip 2: Search in full text article database when you have something very, very specific in mind. Otherwise your result list is unmanagable, unless you limit by date or by publication. Another option is to search by a keyword in the title. This is risky since not all articles on your topic will include this key term (whatever it is) in its title.

Search HeinOnline's Law Journal Library

Search Law Journal Library

Annotated U.S. Constitution

Print Sources

Listed below are just a few print sources. To search for other books at UCLA or at the UC libraries, use Melvyl (box to the right) and search for the terms "constitutional law" and "united states" and any other terms that relate to your topic. Use broad terms like "first amendment" or "free speech" or privacy.

Other Helpful Sources