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Researching for a Scholarly Article or Seminar (SAW) Paper

A guide to help you get started on your big paper.

Organizing Your Research

Good research involves running multiple searches of multiple databases and sorting through large numbers of books and articles. 

To avoid unnecessarily retracing your steps, figure out a system in advance to track what databases you've checked and what searches you've run and to record and organize useful sources.

Each researcher has their own tools and methods. This page provides some popular methods and tools, so you can find what works for you!

Research Plans and Logs

Citation and File Management Tools

Several tools allow you to save and organize citations and associated files. Often, you can save articles citations and text directly from databases' search results pages, simply by clicking a button and checking the articles that you want. (However, note that citations will usually require some manual clean up and citation managers typically do not work with Lexis and Westlaw.)

Here are some starting points for exploring citation and file management tools: