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Court Rules: Federal Rules

This guide provides a list of print and online sources sources for court rules available in the UCLA Law Library.

Annotated Rules

Both the USCA and the USCS have annotated versions of the federal rules, which include Advisory Committee notes. 

United States Code Service.  Lexis Pub.  KF 62 1972 .U5 (Titles 18 and 28)

United States Code AnnotatedWest Group.  KF 62 1927 .W47 (Titles 18 and 28)

The Law Library also has several commercially published sets of federal rules. 

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure With Selected Statutes and CasesNew York, NY:  Aspen Pub., 1982-.  KF 8816 .A195 (Reserve)

Federal Rules of Evidence and California Evidence Code, New York, NY:  Aspen Pub. 2003-.  KFC 1030 .A29 U55 (Reserve)

Federal Civil Rules Handbook, St. Paul, Minn.:  West Pub. Co. (Reference Reading Room)  KF 8816 .A1936

Federal Criminal Rules Handbook, St. Paul, Minn.:  West Group, 2000-.  KF 9606.99 F43 (last updated 2020)

Moore's Federal Rules Pamphlet, New York, NY:  Matthew Bender, 1997-.  KF 8816 .A198

Unannotated Rules

All federal rules are published by the U.S. government.  They can be found in Title 18 (Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure) and Title 28 (Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Appellate Procedure and Evidence) of the United States Code  (KF62 1994 .A2). 

In addition to being printed in the United States Code, all federal rules are published as committee prints by the House Judiciary Committee. 

Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure with forms, Y 4.J 89/1-10

Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Y .4.J 89/1-12

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, with forms, Y 4.J89/1-11

Federal Rules of Evidence, Y 4.J 89/1-13

Federal Criminal Code and Rules, St. Paul, Minn:  West Pub Co. 1985-.  KF 9606.99 .D567

Federal Rules of Court, LexisNexis, 1996-.  KF 8816 .A1942

Federal Rules of Court,  Los Angeles, CA:  Metropolitan News-Enterprise, 1989-.  (Reference Reading Room)  KF 8816 .A2 1989-

California Rules of Court--Federal District Courts. St. Paul, Minn.:  West Pub Co.,  KFC 992 A197 

California Rules of Court--Federal Bankruptcy Courts. St. Paul, Minn.:  West Pub. Co.  KFC 992 A197 


Online Sources

Lexis:  USCS--Federal Rules Annotated

Westlaw: Statutes and Court Rules--Federal Court Rules

WebU.S. Code Appendix to Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, (for the F.R.C.P., F.R. App. P. and F.R.E.) and Appendix to Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure (for the F.R. Crim. P.) 

Federal Court Rules (Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts)

Federal Rules of Evidence (Federal Evidence Review)

Federal Rules E-books (Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute)

Ninth Circuit Court Rules

Federal Rules of Court,  Los Angeles, CA:  Metropolitan News-Enterprise, 1989-.  (Reference Reading Room)  KF8816 .A2 1989-. 

WebNinth Circuit Rules