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Law School Study Aids / Supplements: Introduction

Course Study Aids / Supplements available at the Law Library


This guide contains a comprehensive list of all of the print study aids / supplements available at the Law Library

  • Click each tab for a list of resources available in any given subject area.  
  • Items that are located on Reserve can be checked out for two hours at a time from the Circulation Desk. 

West Academic Study Aids

The Law Library has a subscription to West Academic Study Aids, an online database which provides unlimited access to over 500 law school study aids/supplements. Case studies, hornbooks, exam outlines and audio lectures are included.  Note: This database available to the UCLA Law School community only.

Aspen Learning Library Study Aids Package

Aspen Learning Library (formerly Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aid Library) contains all 38 titles of the popular Examples & Explanations Series. It also contains many other  study aids and outlines, such a Emanuel's, Glannon Guides, Casenote Legal Briefs, Academic Success series, Inside Series, and more. It also offers over 200 videos with coverage of 21 course areas. Each video covering a fundamental legal concept is written and presented by a law professor or legal practitioner

Other Useful Resources

LexisNexis Barbri Outlines