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Federal Statutes

This guide aims to provide the user with a general understanding in locating and updating known statutes and in identifying federal statutes by citation, name, or subject.

Finding References to Federal Statutes

Lexis' Shepard’s and Westlaw's KeyCite citators provide citations to cases, attorney general opinions, legal periodical articles and some legal texts which have referred to a particular code or statute. Code sections can be Shepardized by their USC citation and uncodified statutes by their Statutes at Large citation.

  1. Shepard’s Federal Statutes Citations
    Library: The Web version is available on public computers in the Reference Reading Room. For public user login, see detailed instructions next to these computers.

    A Shepardize link may be found on the right side of documents retrieved in Lexis. 

  2. Westlaw’s KeyCite (may access from any viewed item)